miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Gay Gossip Hollywood - Jamie Foxx's Gay

Jamie Foxx's actions in this photo speaks volumes; Plies better watch out. 

It's been a few months now since Stephen Taliver allegedly attacked Jamie in a Philly hotel room. Jamie said today about Taliver: "He's now on a 60-day hold in a psych unit... God bless him, I hope everything works out for him."

But, why we're really posting his comment isn't because it's a good gesture, but because we've been waiting for an opportunity to post the rest of this entry, which comes from a publicist who suggests Jamie arranged to meet Taliver for sex (but things didn't go as planned), and the singer/actor and his PR firm have been paying off gay men and fudging the truth for years -- all to keep Jamie's gay lifestyle under wraps.

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